FLORIST - This fragrance is modern and beautiful with a focus on citrus and floral notes. It pairs tuberose with Italian bergamot, gardenia, honeysuckle, and jasmine for a stunning arrangement.
FLORIST - The top notes of this fragrance include Italian bergamot, lemon, lily of the valley, and pear, while the mid and dry notes feature a variety of floral and woody scents.
SALT - This scent captures the essence of salty skin, tropical florals, and warmth. It features vegan ambergris, Tahitian tiare, sandalwood, and musk notes.
SALT - The top and mid notes of this fragrance include ylang ylang, violet leaves, Tahitian tiare, and magnolia, with dry notes of musk, vegan ambergris, and sandalwood.
The Ellis Brooklyn Ethos: Clean Ingredients, Sustainable Sourcing, and Unforgettable Scents.